Human beings relate to the outside and the inside environment, through their sense organs. These organs receive energy in the form of light, or in the form of sound; or
many other forms and they translate that energy eventually into electrical signals within
the brain. These electrical signals in turn cause a response or perhaps no response if
none is needed. During hypnosis something different appears to happen…The sense
of hearing receives words, and they go thru the usual mechanisms of reception and
translation in the brain.
But I’ve always wondered whether the meaning of those words is another form of
energy and that our mind has receptors for that energy because during hypnosis
changes occur in an individual that the plain words don’t seem to effect. Plain words
heard and processed in our waking, conscious mind don’t seem to cause the same kind and intensity of response or change. There appears to be a “mind energy” that
processes totally different from the plain spoken word, and can cause dramatic changes
in a person.